Yesterday evening I gave a presentation at a local functional programming meetup regarding my recent experience in building a data ingestion microservice in Haskell. To tell the truth, I was more concerned with communicating the rationale for my design choices rather than the business application per se, and I wanted to show how (my current understanding of) the language helps (or doesn’t) in structuring a large and realistic application.

This blog post reproduces roughly the presentation, and incorporates some feedback I received and some further thoughts I have had on the matter in the meanwhile. It is written for people who had some prior exposure to Haskell, but I’ll try to keep the exposition as intuitive and beginner-friendly as possible.

My biggest hope is to help beginning Haskellers wrap their heads around a few useful concepts, libraries and good practices, while grounding the examples in a concrete project rather than toy code.

In practical terms, this post will show how to perform HTTP calls and one possible use of types, typeclasses and monad transformers to manage application complexity.


Warm-up: HTTP connections and typeclasses

This project uses the excellent req library for HTTP connections. It’s very well thought out and documented, so I really recommend it.

The library is structured around a single function called, quite fittingly, req; its type signature reflects the typeclass-oriented design (i.e. function parameters are constrained to belong to certain sets, rather than being fixed upfront). Let’s focus on the constraint part of the signature:

req :: (HttpResponse response, HttpBody body, HttpMethod method,
  MonadHttp m,
  HttpBodyAllowed (AllowsBody method) (ProvidesBody body)) => ...

This should be mentally read: “the type response must be an instance of the HttpResponse class, body and method are jointly constrained by HttpBodyAllowed ..”, etc.

As soon as we populate all of req’s parameter slots, the typechecker infers a more concrete (and understandable) type signature. The following example declares a GET request to a certain address, containing no body or parameters, and requires that the response be returned as a “lazy” bytestring.

requestGet :: MonadHttp m => m LB.ByteString
requestGet = do
   r <- req
      (http "" /: "docs" /: "community" /: "current-environment.html")
   return $ responseBody r   

The above already requires the user to be at least a bit familiar with typeclasses, lazy evaluation and a couple standard typeclasses (ok, just one really: Monoid. The Monad typeclass is implied by structuring the code in a do block). These are fundamental to Haskell, so it helps seeing them used in context. req returns in a Monad type because I/O is fundamentally an effect; returning an HTTP response means doing stuff with the network interface, the operating system, and might imply failure of some sort and not return any sensible result, which is distinct from how pure functions behave (i.e. just computing output).

Aside : inspecting type instances in GHCi

Let’s take the last parameter of req as a concrete example. It is of type Option scheme, where scheme is some type parameter. Now, how do I know what are the right types that can be used here? I always have a GHCi session running in one Emacs tile, so that I can explore interactively the libraries imported by the project I’m working on; in this case, I query for information (by using the :i GHCi macro) on Option (the GHCi prompt is represented by the > character):

> :i Option
instance Monoid (Option scheme) -- Defined in ‘Network.HTTP.Req’
instance QueryParam (Option scheme)
  -- Defined in ‘Network.HTTP.Req’

I omitted the first few lines because they are not of immediate interest. The rest of the GHCi response shows what typeclass instances the Option type satisfies; there we see Monoid and QueryParam. The Monoid instance is extremely useful because it provides a type with a “neutral element” (mempty) and with a binary operation (mappend) with some closure property (if a and b are values of a Monoid type, mappend a b is of Monoid type as well).

Strings of texts are one familiar example of things with the Monoid property: the empty string (“”) is the neutral element, and appending two strings (++) is a binary and associative operation, corresponding to mappend. Other common examples of Monoid are 0 and integer addition, or 1 and integer multiplication.

Back to our function req; all of this means that since Option is a Monoid and I simply wish to pass “no parameter” as an argument, I can use mempty and the concrete type will be inferred automatically.

MonadHttp, MonadIO and typeclass “lifting”

In the second code snippet above we see that the HTTP response is returned by some computation of type m, which is constrained to being an instance of MonadHttp. Let’s see what GHCi knows about MonadHttp :

> :i MonadHttp
class MonadIO m => MonadHttp m where
  handleHttpException :: HttpException -> m a
  {-# MINIMAL handleHttpException #-}

.. What does that mean?

Recall that the HTTP protocol uses status codes to communicate the details of connection failure or success. For example, code 200 stands for success, 404 for “Not Found”, etc. The HttpException type contains a field where such codes are stored, and any type that’s made an instance of MonadHttp must provide an implementation of handleHttpException that processes this status.

It’s important to note that a, the return type of handleHttpException, is not constrained in any way but may be made to contain whatever information required by the rest of our program logic.

We also see that the parametric type m is further required to have a MonadIO instance. Fine, web connections are one form of I/O, so this makes some sense. What may be novel to some readers is that rather than being in the usual “concrete” form .. -> IO a, the computation is “lifted” to the MonadIO class, thus taking the form MonadIO m => .. -> m a. It’s as if we went from saying “a computation of type IO” to “something of any type that can perform IO”.

The MonadHttp typeclass encodes exactly this: since HTTP connections are a form of I/O, the MonadHttp constraint entails the MonadIO constraint; in other words, every type m that has a MonadHttp instance must also declare a MonadIO instance (the compiler will complain otherwise).

We’ll learn about the implications of this way of writing things in the following sections.

API authentication and type families

Many API providers require some form of authentication; during an initial “handshake” phase the client sends its credentials to the server over some secure channel (e.g. encrypted over TLS), which will in turn send back a “token” which will be necessary to perform the actual API calls and which will expire after a set time. This is for example how the OAuth2 authentication protocol works.

In practice, each provider has its own :

  • Set of credentials
  • Authentication/token refresh mechanisms
  • Handling of invalid input
  • Request rate limiting
  • Outage modes

and so forth, however the general semantics of token-based authentication are common to all. This screams for some sort of common interface to hide the details of dealing with the individual providers from the rest of the application code.

One possible way of representing this is with a parametrized type; a way of declaring a computation that is “tagged” by the name of the API provider we’re talking to under the hood. Let’s call this type Cloud:

newtype Cloud c a = ...

The first type parameter, c, denotes the API provider “label”, and the second parameter represents the result type of the computation.

Now, we need a way of saying “for each provider c, I need a specific set of Credentials, and I will receive a specific type of Token in return”; the TypeFamilies language extension lets us do just that :

{-# language TypeFamilies #-}

class HasCredentials c where
  type Credentials c
  type Token c

In other words, the API provider label will be a distinct type, and we’ll need to write a separate instance of HasCredentials (and corresponding concrete types for Credentials and Token) for each.

In addition, let’s write a Handle record type which will store the actual credentials and (temporary) token for a given provider:

data Handle c = Handle {
    credentials :: Credentials c
  , token :: Maybe (Token c)

The types of the fields of Handle are associated (injectively) to the API provider type c. All that’s left at this point is to actually declare the Cloud type, which will use these Handles. We’ll see how in the next section.

Managing application complexity with types and monad transformers

{-# language GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

newtype Cloud c a = Cloud {
  runCloud :: ReaderT (Handle c) IO a
  } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)

The body of a Cloud computation is something which can read the data in Handle (for example the credentials or the token) and perform some I/O such as connecting to the provider. ReaderT is the “reader” monad transformer, in this case stacked “on top” of IO. A monad transformer is a very handy way of interleaving effects, and a number of the most common ones are conveniently implemented in the mtl and transformers libraries.

The GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving language extension is necessary to make the compiler derive the Functor, Applicative and Monad instances for Cloud, which are very convenient for composing such computations together.

We may think of Cloud c a as an “environment” or “context” within which our networking logic gets executed. In more concrete terms, a Cloud computation needs to:

  • Read configuration (i.e. a variable of type Handle c)
  • Create HTTP connections (i.e. I/O)
  • Generate random numbers (since the token request is cryptographically hashed)
  • Potentially throw and catch exceptions of some sort, for example when an API provider cannot find a certain piece of data.

All the above effects can be “lifted” to corresponding typeclasses, exactly as we saw with MonadHTTP and MonadIO. The exceptions library provides MonadThrow/MonadCatch, cryptonite provides both all the cryptography primitives and the MonadRandom class, and mtl provides MonadReader.

We’ll need to provide Cloud with instances of all these typeclasses (which most of the time boils down to implementing one or two methods for each), or in other words “augment it” with additional capabilities, in order to unify it with the constraints imposed by our network-related code.

I guess what I wrote above might sound super abstract, so let me provide an example. Suppose we have written a function that requests an authentication token; its type might look something like the following:

requestToken :: (MonadHttp m, MonadRandom m, MonadThrow m) =>
     TokenCredentials -> TokenOptions -> m OAuth2Token

This alone already requires our “execution environment” m to have three of the constraints mentioned above. Suppose now we want to read the credentials and/or the options from an immutable record, which might be supplied e.g. by parsing a text file or some command line argument; we can do this if our m additionally has a MonadReader instance over the relevant configuration variable (e.g. Handle c declared above).

If, as we said, our Cloud c a type is enriched with these same instances, a complicated set of constraints such as

requestTokenProvider1 :: (MonadReader TokenCredentials m, MonadThrow m, MonadHttp m, MonadRandom m) => m OAuth2Token

might be rewritten as the more informative

requestTokenProvider1 :: Cloud Provider1 OAuth2Token

Long overdue aside : why bother ?

This highly polymorphic way of writing functions might feel alien at first, but it lets us be as general or precise as we need to. In particular, one of the initial requirements I mentioned was the ability to talk independently about these external data providers, since each has a distinct behaviour and requires different information, but under one same interface.

The Cloud c a type is this interface. The parametrization over provider type c lets us declare the associated authentication types (with TypeFamilies) and separate implementations of the HTTP exception handling code, for example:

{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}

data Provider1

instance HasCredentials Provider1 where
  type Credentials Provider1 = TokenCredentials
  type Token Provider1 = OAuth2Token

instance MonadHttp (Cloud Provider1) where
  handleHttpException e = ...


data Provider2

instance MonadHttp (Cloud Provider2) where
  handleHttpException e = ...


while all the behaviour which is shared by all providers can be conveniently written once and for all (for example, random number generation) :

instance HasCredentials c => MonadRandom (Cloud c) where
  getRandomBytes = liftIO . getEntropy

Reducing code duplication while allowing for flexibility where needed, while at the same time having the compiler warn us about every missing or overlapping implementation is a great feature to have for writing software with confidence, I think.

Now we need a function to actually run Cloud computations. This is actually trivial: we extract the ReaderT (Handle c) IO a stuff that’s within the Cloud data constructor and apply it to runReaderT which passes in the given Handle data, thus configuring the computation:

runCloudIO :: Handle c -> Cloud c a -> IO a
runCloudIO r (Cloud body) = runReaderT body r

Since Cloud is an instance of Monad we can chain any number of such computations within a do block and wrap the overall computation in a runCloudIO call, which produces the result:

total :: HasCredentials c => Handle c -> IO a
total hdl = runCloudIO hdl $ do 
   x <- cloudAuth
   cloud2 x
   y <- cloud3 x

This post is already pretty long so I will close it here, but there are a number of other topics that I care about and deserve a type-friendly treatment, for example exception handling and concurrency, as well as extremely useful libraries such as async and stm that I’d love to incorporate in this treatment.

Thank you for reading this far, I hope you enjoyed it and got something out of it. Feel free to reach out on twitter with feedback, comments, etc. Those are always welcome!